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Saudi minister of Labor and social development Dr. Ali al-Ghafis heads 45th session of Arab labor conference held in Cairo from April 8-15

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
وزير العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية الدكتور علي الغفيص يرأس وفد المملكة المشارك في أعمال الدورة الـ45 لمؤتمر العمل العربي الذي تنظمه منظمة العمل العربية وتستضيفه القاهرة اليوم حتى 15 أبريل

H.E. Minister of Labor and Social Development Dr. Ali bin Nasser al-Ghafis leads today the Saudi Delegation to the 45th Session of the Arab Labor Conference held in Cairo from April 8-15 along with the employers’ representative Miss Nouf al-Rakan and the workers’ representative Mr. Nidal Radwan. The agenda for the conference, organized by the Arab Labor Organization (ALO), focuses on a number of topics including the Director-General Report of the Arab Labor Office titled ‘The Dynamics of Arab Labor Markets, Transformations, and Paths of Progress’, which will be the main scope of discussion at its general sessions. The participants will also address the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the private sector and the role of productivity in improving competitiveness and enhancing growth. In addition, it is expected to discuss ALO agreements and recommendations as well as the outcomes of the report submitted by the 16th Session of the Arab Woman Labor Affairs Committee in 2018.

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