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Ajeer portal allows temporary permits during Hajj: MLSD

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
"العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية": إتاحة إصدار تصاريح العمل المؤقت في موسم الحج من خلال بوابة "أجير"

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD) launched recently the temporary work service for Hajj season (pilgrimage), a move that regulates and encourages work during the Hajj period through issuing temporary permits via the Ajeer portal. The ‘Ajeer’ e-platform allows establishments who operate during the Hajj season to post job opportunities so as job seekers can apply for them and earn temporary permits to work in Makkah, Madinah or Jeddah. After that, the contractual process is followed by endorsement between the Hajj companies and workers seeking temporary employment during the pilgrimage. Khaled Abalkhail, spokesman for MLSD, said the service allows the job seekers to register with the portal, publish their résumés, review vacancies, apply for posts and manage job requests from employers with ability to accept opportunities that suit them. Abalkhail emphasized the establishments can utilize issuance of temporary permits as the service combines companies that offer Hajj services and those who wish to work on a temporary contract during the Hajj season. He called upon both Hajj companies and individuals to benefit from this opportunity by registering with the ‘Ajeer’ portal ( They can also contact the customer service No. 920002866 if they have any inquiry regarding the service.

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