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Labor and Social Development" Deposits of SAR1.9 billion will be deposited in the social security benefits of the month of Jumada II

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
"العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية" تودع 1.9 مليار ريال معاشات ضمانية وبدل غلاء معيشة للمستفيدين من الضمان الاجتماعي لشهر جمادى الآخرة

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development deposited the amounts of social security pensions and support programs for the month of Jumada II in the accounts of beneficiaries and beneficiaries, which include security pensions, cash assistance for food and payment of part of the electricity bills. This includes the cost of living allowance under the Royal Decree, Of the monthly pension for social security beneficiaries who are not paid the cost of living allowance with pensions. The total amount disbursed amounted to SR 1,988,971,970, including the beneficiaries' pensions amounting to SR 1,368,885,427, while cash assistance for food amounted to 188,102,628 riyals while 99,721,415 riyals To pay part of the electricity bills, in addition to 332,262,500 riyals instead of the cost of living, and these amounts were deposited directly in the accounts of bank beneficiaries, with the aim of improving the living conditions for them and their families.

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